1.4.2020. Protection-crisis, more and more restrictions and fines for violation of the federal states to set the exit of the contact block. In the state of Brandenburg Thursday, 2 applies. 2020 April of municipalities which themselves have a wider frame, you can set the level of fines. Also in Berlin Corona-fines for violations of the rules program planning.
North Rhine-Westphalia, a good out there for violating the ban already in contact since the beginning of the catalog. Met with more than two people from the house, a good 200 euro must take into account. Picnic or a barbecue in the public domain will receive a fine of 250 euros. A visit to the car repair shop to change a tire, but let remains.
Baden-a fine of 1000 euro with more than two people traveling in this country belong to family meetings, such as travel bans and violations will be punished by Württemberg in the public sphere. No vehicle documents-carrying vehicle, you should expect to pay a fine of 500 euros. Change a tyre in the workshop are still allowed.
In Bavaria, people just doctor visits, shopping, go to work, or can leave their homes for a good cause. People that are allowed to remain in the same house alone or walks. Left without a valid reason, must reckon with fines of up to EUR 150. Picnic and a valid reason to change a tire and therefore is not allowed.
Rhineland the family members out of more than two rooms in the same house, meetings with the Government 200 million euros will be punished. The minimum distance that is allowed to change a tire, or there is a violation of the prohibition against accumulation.
So far Corona-fines for violations of the rules, which is published by the federal States, a fine of up to 25,000 euros for the protection of of infection then the law applies.