13.3.2019. Nissan is making the Invisible visible: The Japanese car manufacturer has been testing the Invisible-to-Visible (I2V) technology is now being used in a moving vehicle.
For the first time in January 2019 at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas featured technology makes the real and virtual world merge with each other.
I2V is in the future part of the Nissan Intelligent Mobility. Through Sensors within and outside of the vehicle, as well as data from the Cloud, the driver sees the “Invisible” – what happens in the further course of the road, behind a building or around the next corner.
At the same time the occupants are associated with the so-called “Metaverse”. In this virtual world, people interact with the help of avatar: family, friends, or other persons at a remote location can appear in the car as a three-dimensional avatars, in order to provide company or help.
In cooperation with NTT DOCOMO, Nissan tested this technique on the in-house test site for Gran drive in the Japanese Yokosuka. The companies can use the fast and powerful mobile 5G-Internet, of, DOCOMO, in real time, both the Avatar to transfer data as well as camera images from the car. The tested prototype is based on a Nissan NV350 Camper.
With the field trial, the company will investigate how the occupants of the vehicle and the avatar shown people perceive the respective presence of the other, through the user interface. So the user-friendliness of the interactive communication features of I2V is taken under the magnifying glass.
Nissan and DOCOMO plan to step up their joint field experiments and research on I2V technology and its use to continue and the customer in the future, new experience with connected cars.
Nissan and DOCOMO test I2V technology in the operation (photo: Nissan)