21.3.2019. The Volkswagen group and other European partners are joining together to “European Battery Union” (EBU), the battery research Europe-wide.
Led the new consortium should be by the Volkswagen group and the Swedish battery manufacturers in North volt. The joint activities of the “European Battery Union” wants to focus on the entire value – added chain of battery raw materials, cell technology and Recycling. The primary objective of a much broader competence-building in battery cell production.
In the consortium “European Battery Union” together with partners from research and industry from seven EU member States. The comprehensive research work ranging from the extraction of raw materials, the study of cell technology and cell manufacturing processes to Recycling.
Furthermore, the development and deployment of system technologies part of the research activities, the sustainable, climate-friendly and competition is eligible for battery cell production in the European Union.
All partners want to increase in the Wake of the additional planned research activities of their investments. By the by the German Federal Ministry for economic Affairs and energy, lack of funding, these expenditures could be shown to be financially.
All of the findings of the “European Battery Union” to be exchanged across countries, between all the partners involved. Start of the joint research activities should be the beginning of 2020.
Volkswagen ID. BUGGY (photo: Volkswagen AG)