30.4.2019 (ADAC SE). The increasing demand for electric cars is reflected not only in the sale of the manufacturer’s figures, but also in the private lease. The European company of the club – ADAC SE – and the Renault Deutschland AG prolong their cooperation, and to offer the electric car Renault ZOE for ADAC members on special terms with a leasing rate of 99 €1. The leasing program that began in September 2018, goes into its second extension round. The cooperation will initially run until the end of September 2019.
From January 2018 until the end of March 2019 were approved in Germany 9078 Renault ZOE. Since the beginning of September, 2018, the beginning of the cooperation with the ADAC SE, have decided to nearly 1900 customers for the Leasing of a ZOE.
Jennifer Beckmann, Directorate of Marketing, Renault Deutschland AG: “With the ADAC, we have a strong Partner at our side, to the topic of electro-mobility further and the advantages of the Renault ZOE. We are so on the pulse of the time and with exactly the right offer come up, to prove to emergence of tons of Online traffic to the offer pages, a huge test drive and, of course, our sales figures.“
Ludger Kersting, managing Director of ADAC Service GmbH: “We recognize that the interest for electric cars awakened in our members only just. Leasing is a good way to find entry into the electric mobility. In addition to transparency and Fairness, it is still important to make electric vehicles attractive conditions available for everyone“. So, the Renault offer the free 24-hour test drive is maintained. Those interested can try out even if an electric car fits into your everyday life.
In the course of its Offensive, “We make e-mobile” offers the ADAC as a leading mobility service provider-to-date information and numerous consulting services related to electric mobility.
Product range: www.adac.de/renaultzoe-angebot
1 Initially valid until 30. June 2019
Photo: ADAC SE/Theo Klein