13.5.2019. The abbreviation “IN” stands for Innovation: With the IN-Campus, the AUDI AG and the city of Ingolstadt have launched a strategic investment on the way. Together, the site of a former oil refinery will be renovated in Ingolstadt-consuming, a unique environmental project in Bavaria.
Investing IN the Campus GmbH, a Joint Venture between AUDI AG and the city of Ingolstadt, in a Campus, the focus is on the technologies of the future. The development of The open and close to nature-designed 75-acre IN-Campus is already up and running. Yesterday, on the 13. In may, the Bavarian Prime Minister, Dr. Markus Söder, mayor of the city of Ingolstadt, Dr. Christian Lösel, as well as Audi Board member for Production Peter Kössler, together with the two managing Directors of the IN-Campus GmbH officially the Foundation stone for the entire project.
The Bavarian Prime Minister Dr. Markus Söder emphasized: “Here in Ingolstadt: the lake conservation and cutting-edge technology to go in Bavaria Hand-in-Hand. With the IN-Campus innovation center of the automotive industry on a refurbished Bavarian soil is from an Old refinery. Thanks to the commitment of AUDI AG and the city of Ingolstadt in nature and landscape be protected and at the same time, many new jobs will be created. This is a clear commitment to Ingolstadt. Future projects such as this draw Bayern and his company.“
Dr. Christian Lösel, the mayor of the city of Ingolstadt highlights in his Statement:”THE Campus is a symbol for the technological change in our city: Once the refinery, soon the innovation campus. Here we can not build new buildings. We are creating the jobs of the future, for the technologies of the future! This unprecedented innovation campus is a great commitment from Audi headquarters in Ingolstadt. Today, the Foundation is, therefore, an important Symbol in two ways: The starting shot for the IN-Campus, at the same time, the Foundation stone for the continued good development of Ingolstadt.“
“With the IN-Campus, we are implementing an eco-friendly renovation project in Bavaria. We renovate a former oil refinery site in full, to consume previously undeveloped areas,“ says Peter Kössler, head of Audi Board member for production and logistics. “At the same time, we create the future, because here in Ingolstadt is a new think tank with the wise heads of Audi, scientists, Start-ups and partner companies. It makes me proud to lay today the Foundation stone.“
The development of The former refinery site to the East of Ingolstadt has begun, the progress of the soil remediation. The high-rise buildings in the construction phase, 1 – three phases of construction are scheduled in total – will be completed in 2023. For the IN-Campus, no additional land is sealed, on the contrary, A contaminated industrial wasteland to a new life. The so-called project house is already under construction, a large complex of four buildings with 42,000 square meters of office and workshop area. From the end of 2020 will work in this idea factory about 1,400 developers from Audi and partner companies, to innovative technology projects. Parallel to the construction of the project house, extensive infrastructure work for phase 1.
A key strength of the IN-Campus is a large, contiguous area of 75 hectares, as they are not otherwise found in Ingolstadt and the Region. It offers the Chance to create a spacious, flexible and attractive technology Park, high-tech and creativity. 60 hectares will be used in the future as a commercial and industrial area, 15 hectares for nature and the landscape restored A further advantage is the geographical location: The site is located close to the Audi headquarters and directly at the motorway A9, which serves as a digital testing ground for the development of Autonomous driving. The motorway exit Ingolstadt-Süd gets a direct connection to the Campus.
Free access, open structures and equipment extensive outdoor characterize the Campus character of the site. The compensation area is a green corridor in the East, making a natural Transition to alluvial forest. In the North of the riparian forest and the Danube limit the grounds. The Campus connects the urban area with the tranquility of the Donauauen, it forms at the interface between high-tech and nature. From the North to the South a wide Avenue lined with spacious greenery runs in the future on the site. This “Campus core” is a Central component of the development concept.
In addition to the project house and the extensive infrastructure measures complement other buildings in the phase 1: a vehicle-security center with a highly modern Crash-Arena, a data center, a function building, including the fire station, and a Central energy plant. The latter serves as a control center of an innovative energy concept for the Campus. The buildings of phase 1 are expected to be in 2023, completed, on the rest of the sub-areas of the area, the Campus GmbH step-by-step for the future is to develop projects.
The Campus is built on a former refinery site, which was 43 years in operation. In 2015, the Campus GmbH is the largest part of the area acquired. The required clean-up of soil and groundwater began in the fall of 2016, carried out by a consortium of three specialist companies, which uses state-of-the-art methods. By the end of 2022, the renovation work should be finished Essentially. The effluent will be is expected to run until 2028.
The extensive renovation project on the Campus is one of the largest in Germany and offers a unique environmental project in Bavaria. The refurbishment includes four procedures: the Effluent from the Laundry, the Air-Sparging method, as well as the honeycomb excavation with a downstream Floor.
In the case of the effluent of ten wells to get at the edge of the area with the electric pump the contaminated groundwater out of the ground. A treatment system cleans the water more than 99.9 percent of the pollutants.
The Air-Sparging method is directed against the volatile hydrocarbons, which are components of Gasoline fuels. Through hundreds of pipes, air is blown into the soil; it absorbs in the soil and ground water with the dissolved pollutants. Just below the surface of the earth, the air is sucked through drainage pipes and cleaned.
The PFC-foaming residue from Extinguishing and to eliminate the mineral Oil hydrocarbons (residue of Heavy oil), is excavated the contaminated soil at the top. This happens in a novel, high-precision procedure, by hydraulic RAM vibrating, steel honeycomb in the earth. In sum, you get 600,000 tons of Material out of the ground, especially for the terrain typical of Sand and gravel.
In a soil washing plant, the pollutants are cleaned with water from the ground grain. The water runs in a circuit through a treatment plant, a facility that cleans the waste air generated. More than 90 percent of the incoming material is again filled into the honeycomb holes, and the Rest landfilled.
More votes for the IN-Campus
Peter Mosch, General works Council Chairman of the AUDI AG:”With the IN-Campus Audi is investing in its future and in the location of Ingolstadt. The new technology centre will help to prepare the employees for the great challenges of digitisation, and to secure the jobs in the Region.“
Thomas bird, managing Director of the IN-Campus GmbH (AUDI AG): “I see alsriesengroße Chance, because we contribute with the development of this area is an immensely important contribution. The IN-Campus stands for cooperation and enables the collaboration of specialists and high-tech partners in one place. Here we all pull together – Audi, the city of Ingolstadt, and all the project partners.“
Norbert Forster, CEO of the Campus GmbH (IFG Ingolstadt):”The development of The IN-Campus site of a former industrial wasteland to a high-tech Area with cutting-edge technology centre is a landmark prestige project, with an important contribution to the future viability of our location is provided. I am very proud that the IFG is taking in cooperation with the AUDI AG, a Central role.“
Dr. Rüdiger Recknagel, head of environmental protection at AUDI AG: “We have a commitment to the city of Ingolstadt and write at the same time, the history of the city. We are proud to be associated with this environmental remediation project to implement the first full-scale remediation of a refinery site in Bavaria. So that we can give back to both society and the natural environment. The redevelopment of the former refinery site is a gigantic and unique environmental project.“
Audi technology Park IN the Campus (photo: AUDI AG)