E-Scooter: borrowed car trips are not an equipment replacement

15.6.2020. E one year after approval in Germany, mobility club, ADAC, environmental and sustainable transportation in German cities is not a new devices to scooter relief.

According to the observations of the clubs, most of the E-model Scooter. Global Change, trips, cars destroyed, but pedestrian paths, bicycle, or by public transport. Supposedly 15 for miniature electric vehicles. On the streets in Germany approved June 2019.

Opportunities to contribute to sustainable mobility in cities of the first models for sale ADAC Line: passengers to nearest public transport stop is to use these models, S – and U-Bahn “last mile to your home workplace or place” known as ” -you will be able to target. The pursuit of a model due to back credit, thus more long-distance and suburban without wait times. In addition, the range of application of the loan is usually for scooters is limited to downtown areas.

Evaluation according to ADAC e-Scooter in public transport may be received in many cases. Association of German transport companies, transport associations upon the recommendation of many, allows you to move the folding models. Non-main cities in the country, the German folding devices, rules, however, mixed, in this case partial foldable e-Scooter is not completely prohibited for public transport, and some only at specific times in specific modes of transport either.

Due to non-uniform rules for the transport of E-scooters on public transport for consumers to inform themselves before making a purchase, and must comply with the terms and conditions of transport in the transport network to the ground.

E-scooter for the use of helmets is a legal requirement. Nevertheless, ADAC E scooter with a helmet only recommend to make. Properly worn helmets save a life – the evaluations of the ADAC Accident Research shows. A loose belt or a helmet, the most common errors are properly closed.

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