29.8.2019. In the case of an information event, with around 6,000 workers at the Emden plant, plant Manager, Andreas Dick-in-the-presence-of-the-future plant Manager Uwe Schwartz and the works Council Chairman Manfred Wulff Emden the Volkswagen employees about the extensive Transformation of the site and the final approval of the necessary financial resources informed.
At the same time, Dick was adopted, the to the 1. September as a Technical Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of FAW-Volkswagen Automotive co. Ltd, China changes of the workforce. He thanked the employees for their commitment and encouraged in the efforts for the future installation of the site has not let up.
Plant Manager Dick said: “In the past three years we have fought here at this location work together to help the plant fit for the future set-up. This was a effort and a strong team performance. I thank all of you who have used to the utmost. We have achieved a lot for Emden.“ Dick said, however: “The Board has placed great trust and Confidence that the Transformation of the site is a success story, and provides for the development and sustainable competitiveness of the location very much money. However, if the conversion is to succeed, it is also in the plant in Emden on every Single one. Take advantage of the opportunity, not to let you in to use, and effort to secure their own future together. I wish you, the entire team and its future Manager Uwe Schwartz a lot of success is planning!“
“In the autumn of last year, we have placed in the Supervisory Board set the course for the future of the automotive industry in Emden. Now we are pleased with the investment commitments of the Board. You are the perfect match to our employment guarantee until the end of 2029, and will give us and our families safety. A billion Euro investment in our site, are a clear commitment to the Emden crew. Thus, we confirm a lasting impact on our employment and finally have the necessary planning security. The Board has defined jointly with the us, which halls are newly built and which we are expanding. In the new MEB hall, we will be scaffolding, starting in 2022, the E-models and reasonable and at the same time the Arteon, the Passat sedan and the shooting brake in the old halls for some years to successfully build. Now, it is the Region and the Emden workforce to prepare for electric mobility and to bring“ the works Council Chairman Manfred Wulff.
The new plant Manager Uwe Schwartz said: “I am looking forward to the new tasks in Emden and I am convinced that we are here as a team to master due to the often – evoked Emden team spirit – the tasks entrusted to us. Here in Emden, the second car in the next few years, mobile factory that is producing electric vehicles for the Volkswagen group. We provide Emden absolutely competitive. We, as the Emden Team, develop us, sustainable employment prospects here at the site. This is a great challenge and will require a lot. Let us be full of energy to continue what you have already with great success in motion.“
The Volkswagen group has set itself the goal of Emden has to be one of the first locations for electromobility in Europe to rebuild. With the release of the planned investments, the necessary structural changes can be planned in a step-by-step, and implemented as requested. The Emden site for the upcoming Transformation contest can be competitive.
The new electric vehicles based on the new Modular electric, modular, short-MEB. For Emden, the so-called “Start of Production” of the MDS vehicles for the end of 2021, it is planned. Up to the complete tooling for the first fully electric vehicles to be produced at the site furthermore, Passat Variant and Passat sedan, as well as the Arteon.
To meet the challenges of the MEB, will be rebuilt the plant in several phases, some new production to be built in the areas of:
In the area of the pressing unit, a surface for the scaffolding of the additional press tools for the production volumes of the MDB will be created.
The production surfaces of the body Assembly to be expanded to 12,200 square meters, in order to integrate the manufacturing sizes of the MEB.
A new hall with an area of 23.900 square meters for the MEB base is currently being planned.
The modernization of the paint shop to integrate a new conveying technology, but also the addition of a new “Bi-Color hall” to the black paint of the vehicle roofs with a surface area of 5,760 thousand square meters in planning.
Furthermore, a modernization of the control house in the Assembly hall 2 with new extraction technology.
The core of the factory reconstruction of a new Assembly hall, however, is. The hall 20, including the connection to the present Assembly hall, 7, is to be built on an area of 49,000 square meters. Here, in the future, in modern and ergonomically optimized working conditions, the vehicles on MEB-base mounted.
In addition to the logistical supply of the Assembly hall, a new high-Bay warehouse and an automated small-parts warehouse next to the existing logistics facility, called the LOC is to be created.
Starting in 2022, then in the future the electric vehicles will be run by the Band. By 2025 at the latest want to sell the brand overall with more than a Million E-cars by year to be in the E-mobility world leader.