5.4.2019 Bonn, Hannover, Tel Aviv, 4. April 2019. Connected cars need all-round protection against Cyber-attacks. Therefore, T-Systems and Argus Cyber Security in the future, your Expertise in the field of cyber defence for vehicles bundle.
The The subsidiary of the technology company, Continental and T-Systems at the Hannover Messe, announced. T-Systems is currently building a Security Operations Center, which specializes in connected vehicles (Automotive SOC).
With Argus, the company now brings a major Partner on Board. Argus is specialised in cyber security in the automotive industry. The company is from Israel and offers safe on-Board systems for vehicles, and cyber defence technology. Manufacturers and operators of large vehicle fleets to recognize potential risks to the networked vehicle.
T-Systems-chief Adel Al-Saleh stressed: “we are Currently starting to fight back in Telekom’s Cyber defense Center daily 32 million attacks on our network. Our extensive experience in the fight against Hacker attacks we now provide the auto industry. Since cyber criminals stop in front of our cars. The networked vehicle is in need of a digital Bodyguard and a Cyber security in real-time.“
Robust solution to the Cyber-protection of vehicles
“We are pleased that Argus and T-Systems develop a comprehensive and robust solution for Cyber security in the automotive sector-from the vehicle to the Cloud and beyond,” said Werner Koestler, head of strategy in the Interior Division at Continental. “We bring together the largest IT service providers of the car industry in Germany with Argus. The common solution is to strengthen the cyber security in the car. Thus, car manufacturers and fleet operators are able to implement their Vision of a safe mobility.“
“Argus’ focus has always been on attacks on the auto industry stave off future threats to predict,” said Yoni Heilbronn, Chief Marketing Officer at Argus Cyber Security. “Together with T-Systems we will build for customer, advanced and resistance to strong cyber-defense-Center for vehicles. For this link, consolidate, and analyze many data sources. So car manufacturers can-walking on threats to respond. In addition, the Automotive SOC supports the automotive industry, to act with foresight, even in an ever-changing threat landscape.“
Comprehensive and robust solution for Cyber security in the automotive sector of Argus and T-Systems. (© Continental AG)